The Wind Rises is a spellbinding animated film in which Jiro dreams of flying and designing beautiful airplanes, inspired by the famous Italian aeronautical designer Gianni Caproni. Nearsighted and unable to be a pilot, he becomes one of the world's most accomplished airplane designers, experiencing key historical events in an epic tale of love, perseverance, and the challenges of living and making choices in a turbulent world.
Special features include the featurettes Behind The Microphone (HD 10:46), storyboards, original Japanese trailers and TV spots, announcements of the completion of the film, and upfront previews.
The 1080p AVC 1.84:1 animated picture is stunningly gorgeous throughout––a masterpiece. The animation is simple but elegant. The color palette is beautiful, with rich and warm hues that are perfectly saturated. Shading is portrayed in deeper complementary hues. Fleshtones are nicely rendered and naturally hued. Contrast is perfectly balanced with deep, solid blacks and eye-catching highlights, Resolution is wonderful, with nuanced detail exhibited throughout. The picture appears as a canvas of color and contrast that is reference quality.
The DTS-HD Master Audio™ 2.0-channel monaural soundtrack, fidelity-wise, is wonderful, but strangely the execution is in undistinguished monaural, which for a 2013 movie is disappointing.