The Road Within follows a young man named Vincent with Tourette syndrome (Sheehan) who embarks on a road trip with two friends to spread the ashes of his recently deceased mother. As Vincent’s symptoms get worst, his dad (Patrick), a frustrated politician, sends him to a behavioral clinic run by an unconventional doctor (Sedgwick). But Vincent made his mom a promise, and with the help of a rebellious anorexic (Kravitz) and his withdrawn OCD roommate (Patel), the three embark on a life-changing race to the sea that includes car theft, shoplifting, fights, self-discovery, and maybe finding a new way to live. Based on Vincent Will Meer by Florian David Fitz. (Gary Reber)
Special features include interviews with the cast and crew (HD 16:47), eight deleted scenes (HD 13:03), the music video “Get It Right” by Oh Honey (HD 04:16), the theatrical trailer, and upfront previews.
The 1.85:1 1080p AVC picture quality is superb. The color palette is perfectly natural throughout, with nicely saturated hues that at times really pop. Amazingly, every scene is impressively natural. Fleshtones are perfectly hued as well. Contrast is perfectly balanced as well, with deep blacks and revealing shadow delineation. Resolution is finely detailed through, especially in facial features, hair, clothing, and object texture. The natural environment also is nicely defined throughout. This is an absolutely wonderful visual experience that is impressive and absolutely will not disappoint with its reference quality presentation. (Gary Reber)
The DTS-HD Master Audio™ 5.1-channel soundtrack also is a light and wonderful experience, with a terrific energized music score. Atmospherics and sound effects enhance the realism and natural settings along the road trip. Deep bass is limited but provides a natural low-frequency foundation when applied. Dialogue is the focus, and what a wonderful dialogue track it is. Dialogue is naturally projected with excellent spatial integration. This is a winning, extremely pleasurable soundtrack that is fun, fun throughout. (Gary Reber)