"Resident Evil: The Final Chapter" is the sixth and final installment of the worldwide franchise. Milla Jovovich is back as the iconic zombie slayer Alice, who is forced to return to The Hive, where her story began. The Umbrella Corporation is gathering its undead forces for a final strike against the survivors of the apocalypse and Alice must prevent complete human extinction before it’s too late. (Gary Reber)
Special features include the featurettes Explore The Hive (HD 04:18), The Badass Trinity & The Woman Of Resident Evil (HD 06:32) and Stunts & Weaponry (HD 09:03); a Retaliation Mode; a sneak peek: Resident Evil Vendetta (HD 04:22); upfront previews; and a digital copy.
The 2.40:1 2160p Ultra HD HDR picture, theatrically exhibited in IMAX 3D with a 5K source format and a 4K master format, is terrific with dynamic imagery set in an apocalyptic future supported by incredible production and cinematography. The color palette is perfectly natural with accurate fleshtones contrasted against darkish background, both below and above ground, or daylight. Brighter scenes exhibit more varied colors. Bright highlights are really bright, such as spot lighting, with its intensity setting off impressive contrasts. This is where HDR is applied effectively. Contrast is excellent throughout with deep, inky, solid blacks and revealing shadow delineation. Set design effectively uses contrast is create dramatic effect. Resolution is excellent, with crisp edges and fine detail exhibited in the production design, as well as fine detail revealed in close-ups of features, hair, worn clothing, and object texture. This is an exciting visual experience heightened by excellent resolution and a dynamic contrast. (Gary Reber).
The Dolby Atmos/Dolby TrueHD 7.1-channel soundtrack is a full-on holosonic® assault with at times every channel fully engaged. The seven channels are engaged throughout at high SPL, resulting in an extremely aggressive surround field that completely immerses the listener with directional effects, atmospherics, and an engaging music score. Atmospherics deliver an enveloping sense of spatial dimension, including above ear level. Deep bass is also fully energized in the .1 LFE with bass extension to sub-25 Hz frequencies, adding powerful energy to the entire soundfield. The music score is powerfully dynamic as well, with a wide and deep soundstage that extends aggressively to the surrounds. Dialogue manages to retain intelligibility throughout with good spatial integration. This is a spectacular holosonic reference-quality soundtrack that is extremely dynamic and fully energized, and a real challenge to the best home theatre sound systems.
The Immersive Sound element consists of aggressive swishing sounds in the opening sequence, strong wind sounds and sound effects from the ground and water, crashing and blasting sounds, creature screams, sirens, stair step and voice echos and other effect echos, little girl voice, phone wire banging, gunshot and echo, sound effects inside armored military vehicle brief sharp piercing sound, all manner of whiz-bank sound effects, motorcycle tire squeal, nail gun, fire balls explosions, firing rockets, Gatling gunfire, creature roars, splashing and bubbling water, dripping water, clanking chamber and heavy metal door closing, a creaking giant fan and rotation sounds, turbulent wind pressure sounds, sequential heavy triggering sounds, loud warning buzz, pounding sounds, a glass whiskey decanter breaking on head, a man's voice echo, scanning laser beams, crashing glass, intense explosion and a mayhem of intense sound effects. Music score extension is aggressive throughout. The object-based sound effects are often brief but with aggressive SPL weight and are effective with exceptional power and precision. While much in the way of soundscape dimension has been ignored by the sound designers, the Immersive Sound element is virtually non-stop accompanied by a very active electronic music score. (Gary Reber)