BDA Shares 4K Blu-ray Update

July 24, 2015

As licensing of 4K, Ultra High-Def (UHD) content commences for Blu-ray Disc, Victor Matsuda, chair of the Blu-ray Disc Association’s (BDA) global promotions committee, sees the same industry-wide commitment that occurred with HD happening with 4K.

“It’s déjà vu,” Matsuda said, speaking July 23 during an online broadcast update on the status of UHD Blu-ray. “I see the combination of all of that [coming together] to help the proliferation of 4K UHD. “We’ve got the 4K UHD TV market blossoming, and without a doubt it’s one of the most talked about [consumer electronics] products. … And we have to provide consumers with the content for these TVs, which we can do with Ultra HD Blu-ray.”

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