The Criterion Collection spared no expense on this two-disc set, including a 48-page booklet. Disc one includes four deleted scenes (three of which have optional subtitled commentary), a superb
DVD Picture:
The anamorphically enhanced DVD (framed in a windowboxed 1.66:1 ratio) exhibits a nicely rendered picture, with generally sharp and nicely detailed images. Colors are well balanced, with accurate fleshtones, naturally rendered hues, and deep blacks. At times, accent colors can pop from the screen. Contrast and shadow delineation are satisfying, though the picture can have a dim appearance at times. There is some minor smearing noticed, for a lack of fine definition. The source element is revealing of fine film grain and few artifacts. Edge enhancement rarely is a problem, but there is some pixelization. (Suzanne Hodges)
The Cantonese Dolby
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