Set in the future, Into The Forest is a riveting and suspenseful apocalyptic drama that follows two sisters whose peaceful lives are disrupted one day by a world-wide power outage. The sisters must work together in order to survive in their increasingly treacherous new wold, fighting intruders, disease, loneliness, and starvation. Based on the novel by Jean Hegland. (Gary Reber)
Special features include commentary with Writer/Director Patricia Rozema, a making-of featurette (HD 16:00), trailers, and an UltraViolet digital copy.
The 1.85:1 1080p AVC picture quality, photographed digitally, is terrific under challenging conditions of evenings and nights without power. Night scenes in the interior of the home reveal excellent shadow delineation. Black levels are solid and never crushed. Color fidelity is superb, whether during daylight forest scenes with lush greens and earthy hues of groundcover and tree bark. Candle light is natural in hue, as well as fleshtones throughout during daylight and night. Contrast is well balanced as well. Resolution is revealing of fine detail in all scenes, including forest foliage, and especially during close-ups of facial features, hair, clothing, and object texture. This is a very natural and realistic picture throughout and is sure to please. (Gary Reber)
The DTS-HD Master Audio™ 5.1-channel soundtrack is well produced, with a terrific dynamic presence, with a focus on nuanced forest sounds of creatures, wind, thunder, and rain, as well as realistic atmospherics within the home. Sound effects enhance the naturalness of the surroundings and the goings on in the home, as the two sisters attempt to deal with their dire circumstances. The music score is beautifully recorded with a strong surround presence and excellent vocal clarity. Dialogue is natural and nicely integrated spatially. This is a terrific soundtrack that perfectly complements the apocalyptic drama. (Gary Reber)